Days Since Logged in China

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ruby Bloomers Womens Circus

OK so now I'm going to explain the banner !

As you can see by the photo I am involved in a fabulous community project called the Ruby Bloomers Women's Circus. (I'm the one on the far left peeping out from the bottom). We are performing our new show called "If the Shoe Fits" at Blackheath Community Hall (for any of you who happen to live in Sydney and want to come along and support a worthy charity) Sat 21 7pm and Sun 22 2pm. One of our members is working in Peru assisting to set up a charity to advocate for sick and abandoned children. The circus is fabulous, a great way to keep fit, be creative and meet a great bunch of women (who happen to range in age from 21 to 61yrs!).

Seriously now, I am feeling a bit depressed today. Reading the Rumour Queen website the predictions for our wait have gone from 2-3 years to 3-4 years. Yipes, will it continue to rise?? I know that no-one can really predict the timeframes but again - yipes!

Hubby and I are keen to do a 100 wishes quilt. Very exciting. Anyone done one?

Anyway must go and make a cuppa.

Love and light to you all.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

Hi Tina-Marie,
Your circus troupe looks great!! Any plans to tour in Tassie??!! Whilst I am in no way creative and therfore would be hopeless at making a quilt, I would love to contribute to yours if you decide to do it.
Cristina x